Joshua Tree Rock Climbing Guides – (760) 364-0547

Online Rock Climbing Courses

Stone Adventures now offers video based, interactive, mobile friendly online courses!! The first course available is the Rock Climbing Knots Course. Some of the knots covered are the Figure 8, Figure 8 Follow Through, Flemish 8, Super 8, 8 on a bight, Flat 8, Overhand Bend, Overhand Follow Through, Flat Overhand, Fisherman's Knots, Single and Double Bowline, Prusik Hitch, Klemheist Hitch, Autoblock Hitch, Clove Hitch and a unit dedicated to practical application.  The lessons are presented in videos with 5 second rewind and pause options, and built in questions to answer throughout the course.  The end of each unit has an interactive video quiz for comprehension checks and review. This course will help our sign ups hit the ground running in any of our future courses (online or in person). And, in the meantime, become a valuable participant in the process of double checks next time you go climbing outside with your buddies.

Register and pay for your Rock Climbing Knots Class below

Once you have purchased the class, we will email you the username and password you need to log in.  There is a human involved with this step in the process, so please give us up to 24 hours to complete the registration and email you.  Once you have the log in Information, read through the Unit 1 Introduction carefully, then click the hyperlink at the bottom of the page called, "Click Here to Log into Playposit" to log in.  All passing participants are eligible to receive 10% off of an outdoor rock climbing course in Joshua Tree National Park with a professional rock climbing guide and wilderness first responder!

All of the curriculum taught through Stone Adventures is up to date with the current standards of the AMGA (American Mountain Guide Association) and PCGI (Professional Climbing Guide Institute).  We are a small, owner operated business committed to supporting our climbing community.  If you have questions, or ideas you want to discuss, feel free to reach out to us at or (760) 364-0547.

PS:  You DON'T have to fill out "Recipient's Information" or "Your Personalized Message," unless you would like to gift this course to someone!

To pass this class and become eligible for the 10% discount off of our rock climbing courses in Joshua Tree National Park, you will need to complete the following:

  • Purchase the online course (below)
  • Successfully log in (we are using a software called Playposit to run the interactive videos)
  • Answer all the questions in the Lessons and Quizzes with a grade of 80% or higher
  • Click the blue tab labeled "FINISH AND EXIT" at the end of each video! This step will submit and save your final answers.

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